Our Graphic Designer always starts with a preliminary analysis. If the client desires a restyling or a technical review of the pre-existing corporate image or aesthetic line, Studio99 can conduct a thorough "Branding review".
The “Branding review” consist of a detailed analisys of the brand with the intention of highlighting all aspects that can be improved, weak points and disadvantageous ones in terms of aesthetics but also functionality and effectiveness.
The conception stage involves the creation of a series of handmade drafts produced on the basis of specific customer requests featured in the so-called "problem to be solved."
The graphic design proposals are then presented and illustrated to the client who will choose those that best suit his or her personal idea or style.
Therefore, conception is the initial and basic step in a more detailed and accurate design process.
Based on the proposals provided and chosen by the client, Studio99 will develop the mock-up carefully planning and predicting all the media on which the visual and advertising material will be placed, for both web and print.
This particular design phase will include, in addition to the digital creation of the indicated proposals, the evaluation of each individual aesthetic and functional feature of the elements being worked on.
Creation is the stage when the design takes on more specific shades, characteristics and dimensions, thus becoming executive.
This is the last step for graphic design and involves a final and important discussion with the client to see if their needs have been fully met.
From this point on, the project will be completed in all its specific aspects and adapted to all media both web and print, providing the client with a package that can cover every image need.